Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thank You's AND Thanksgiving

Thank you Rhoda and Carolyn for your sweet comments! Carolyn, I still haven't decided on which set. lol Still looking for a visual to help me with this. I am leaning toward the beige and green ones with the gold trim on the edge. I've got to find some things in this green color and I'm afraid that's going to be very hard to do since it's an almost mint color. I even thought about cloth, making me some place mats to sit the plates on. That shouldn't be too hard to find in cloth.
I have got all my beige tablecloths and napkins in the washer now in some Oxy clean (or something like that) to get a stain or two out of them. A couple of my napkins were horrible! So I figured I would soak them for awhile and then let them agitate and then soak some more to be sure to get the stains out. One of the tablecloths had a stain in it that I didn't see before I washed it. I have 2 pretty white batten burg lace ones and then like 3 beige linen ones that are really nice so I wanted the stains to be gone. A friend of mine likes the stains (she likes the used effect) but me, being the melancholy that I am, all I can see are the stains when I look at them and they look nasty to me. I sure hope those stains come out of my napkins because they were pretty bad. AND then the work starts with having to starch and iron all these things. lol BUT I'm hoping it will be nice and pretty and my family will enjoy it and see how special it is for them.

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