Monday, November 10, 2008

Many Hats to Wear

Y thank you Sue! ;) I don't "feel" like a Mrs. Betty Bargain either. lol BUT I do feel like I meet myself coming and going most of the time because I have sooooooo many hats to wear around here. ;) My DH has really started helping me more now that he's retired but still needs to be more, but it's coming. He's learning. :)

WHERE has November went? It's already the 10th of the month and I feel like just yesterday it was the 1st. I have a package for someone that I have just got to get sent off to them before Christmas decorating has also come and gone. LOL They need these things to decorate with! I guess I just have to stop everything tomorrow and get that thing packed and addressed to them. Time is defiently flying this month!

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