Friday, July 10, 2009

Stopping to Smell the Roses

This evening DH and I were going out to eat some catfish. I have been canning okra most of the day. Got online doing some research on how much water to add to my canner etc. so I will get it done right. Anyway then had to get back putting my okra up. Anyway in between canners I stopped so we could go eat. He needed to pay a bill while in the little town so we did that. As I was driving home I saw something just as I passed by it. I started backing up and you know how men are…….lol you got to keep going straight and not back up. ;) He wanted to know WHAT was I doing? This little bunny rabbit just so happened to jump out of the fire hose just as I passed and I saw it. So I backed up to get a better look. It was SO CUTE as you can see. I was scared if I got out of the car it would run back up in the fire hose so I just sit in the car and took pix.




As you can see by the pix it is a very small baby. DH said only a few weeks old. It looks larger in the last pic though. Played a little while taking the pix and then headed back home to finish those jars of okra. I got 7 quarts out of the first batch and then a whole canner full of pints are in there now. I think I counted 8 pints in the canner but not really sure. This is the first time I have ever done okra in jars before. I will have to get a pic and show you all later.

Edited to add the pic of the okra. The little white balls in the okra is a purplish color and you can’t tell that in this pic. These are some of the quarts.


I hope you all have an awesome weekend. I plan on trying to hit some garage sales myself.


1 comment:

cwa said...

Hello. I just recently found your blog. Your bunny pictures are so sweet. It looks like you are one busy lady right now with all your canning. Have a great weekend.