Thursday, May 21, 2009

Late, But Better Late Than Never

We planted the garden today. We have worked out there in it basically since lunch time. I am so tired and EVERYTHING on me hurts! lol

I planted a row of squash, a row of cucumbers, red and green bell peppers and sweet banana peppers. On the row of cucumbers I planted half the row with burp less cukes and the other half with canning cukes. I like to use dill pickles in my coleslaw, potato salad, and my tuna fish salads. SO I needed some more dill pickles canned. We put up a fence to let the cukes run on this year. We got the tomatoes planted the other day and piled high with pine straw to keep them well mulched. I WISH I had room for a few hills of egg plants because man I love those things! Might have to get me a few plants and just stick them out in the flower bed. lol

It started raining on us and we both got wet trying to finish it. We were trying to get the fence put up so I would know just where to plant the cucumbers so they could run on the fence. Man I sure am glad I don’t have to build fences for a living because we would starve to death! LOL

Now all we lack in the garden is putting down the rest of the shingles so we will have paths in the garden and no grass. Then when the seeds come up we’ve got to mulch all of that.  DH said we should go back and plant some more cucumbers on the other side of the fence as well. Oh my goodness we will have enough cukes to supply our county with! lol

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