Sunday, August 31, 2008

Shelf From My Sister

My sister and her future husband brought me the shelf tonight.
I wanted to get it sanded and painted. It was black and I wanted it gold to match the office/sewing room. I mentioned this in one of the other post I made on my blog. Anyway I really needed to get it painted since they are saying bad weather for us with this Gustav out there! It didn't need to be sitting out there on the patio or carport getting wet and me needing to paint it. I brought it inside when I got it painted and sit it under the ceiling fans so it would dry really well. Maybe tomorrow I can add the glass shelves to it and get my fabric folded up and put on it. I also plan on putting the scanner/copier and printer on it. I was also thinking about getting another piece of glass cut for the top of it so I can have more storage space on it. I thought those cute little baskets would be so cute sitting on there with my sewing things in it, NICE AND ORGANIZED!
This is going to be such a blessing for me because I will be able to see all my fabric and not have it all stashed away some where in a box not know what I have or where it is. Here lately I really want to get more organized. It's really bothering me that I am so unorganized here lately. My husband retired last year in Oct. and ever since he and I have been on the go and I'm not home like I used to be and I can't get it all done anymore.
I want to get this office decorated up because I've never had any pix on the wall or anything in here. Its basically been a junk room where EVERYTHING goes! :(

Please keep all of us in your prayers while we deal with this Gustav in the next few days. I don't know when I will be able to get back online. During Katrina we lost power and didn't have power for almost a month. No phones until late in Nov. But we all made it through it, even though it was really hard.

Also thank all of you for the wonderful comments! Thank you Daff!!! :) I sure hope we keep our power AND our phones through this one because I surely will miss you all!

Make it a great day!

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