Thursday, April 1, 2010

Freezer Cooking

Yeah it’s not about making soap this time. ;)

I saw something online awhile ago that got me to thinking. It’s getting summertime now and I hate to be in the kitchen cooking when I can be doing something else. I’ve gotten to where I hate to cook and I guess I am just plain out burnt out on it. Anyway with this in mind I was thinking about cooking some meals to stick in the freezer so when I am worn out from working in the yard all day or canning all day, I could just grab something out of the freezer for dinner. I sometimes cook too much of an item so I can put the rest in the freezer for later. I do this a lot with soups and chili. BUT since it’s getting summer no one around here is going to want soup or chili.

I need some ideas for things that freeze well. I’ve got one of those Once A Month Cookbooks so I will refer back to that as well.

I would like some ideas from you all about meals you freeze that freezes well.

Here are a couple links in case you’re interested in this.

Freezer Cooking Day

How I Plan My Freezer Cooking Day + Free Planning Worksheets!

Freezer Cooking Days

A Slob Comes Clean


Leave me a recipe you make that freezes well. :) I have one I will share with you that I think would freeze really well. I am going to try it and see, so I will know shortly!


Chicken Enchiladas (From an Amish Cookbook)

3 cups chopped chicken
½ cup salsa
½ cup sour cream
Flour tortillas
Evaporated milk (for topping)
Cream chicken soup (for topping)
Cheese (for topping)

1.) Combine meat, salsa, and sour cream.
2.) Wrap in flour tortillas and put into baking pan, seam side down.
3.) Mix cream chicken soup and milk.
4.) Pour over tortillas.
5.) Top with shredded cheese.
6.) Bake at 350 for 20-30 minutes.

Topping measurements:

1 can cream chicken soup
½ can milk (we used evaporated milk)
Cheese (just sprinkle over it)

1 comment:

Nony the Slob said...

Thanks for linking to me! I'm flattered. Good luck on your endeavors!