Thursday, May 5, 2011

Landscaping Job Almost Done

Got to finish transplanting the day lilies today around the pool. Now ALL I lack is planted the rest of the monkey grass around the edges and I will be FINISHED with that job! Then I can work on the patio and get it finished. I might just do the patio and wait about the monkey grass. I’ve got to get that sack of soil moved but am trying not to pick up heavy stuff right now with this back and knee hurting.

day lilies planted


A shot from the side looking toward the house. The green plants off in the distance at the top left are banana trees.

right side looking 2ward house

More day lilies on this side. The color is yellow.

right side


Now to work on the patio and the monkey grass. Winking smile Hopefully by next spring these day lilies will really be pretty!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Landscaping and Gardening

Well I got to work in the yard again this evening. I didn’t get to start when I wanted to today due to hubby having P.T. today. But I did get a lot accomplished but sure did want to get that job finished today!

This is the back side of the landscaping and I need to get my monkey grass transplanted around the edges. I started it last year and never did get it finished. It’s looking really nice this year already. I transplanted some yellow day lilies in the pine straw but you can’t really see them since I cut them off. The tree there is a red tip and when it bloomed it was getting blooms all in the pool so I cut the top out of it. So not it is starting to put out leaves all over the place.

banana trees by pool

I planted begonias all in here and back toward the tree I planted some impatiens. Then there is some yellow day lilies back there as well. You can see the edge of the patio I am building for a patio table. We need and area to put our towels and stuff closer to the pool.

left side pool 1

I’ve got to move the stepping stones that are close to the round ones because they’re up too high on that side. I needed to see if I was going to have enough bricks and also to see just how wide I wanted it to be. So now that I know I can move those and level the area. I am going to lay brick around it to and then I will sweep concrete in the cracks and crevices and then lightly sprinkle it with water to set it.

left side with start of pario

You can see the little plants a little better on this next shot. I’ve got to move the monkey grass so I can get it where I want it to go. It’s a little too far in right now. You can see the dirt on the edge where I am going to till up for it but wanted to get the plants in the ground first. The monkey grass will do fine if it’s transplanted even in the heat of the summer but the little cell packs of flowers wont do so well.

right side of pool cell plants

This is our potatoes we planted back in Feb. The corn my brother in laws planted. As you can see our white cat followed me to the garden.

tators 1

And this is one of the potatoes plants blooming. My brother in law said when they bloom like this there is lots of tators under the soil.

tator bloom 1

The corn with tassels on it.

corn tasseling purdy

Close up of the tassel on the corn.

corn tassel

more flowers……

plants around pool

I am HOPING to at least get the rest of the day lilies transplanted tomorrow. And maybe just maybe I can also get some of the patio done as well. I’ve got to mow to so hopefully I can get all of this done tomorrow! DH bought me 4 window boxes and I need to get them hung as well and put the soil in them and get flowers in them. There is ALWAYS something more to be done around here. I NEVER get caught up. It sure would be nice just for once, to be caught up and every thing done. lol

Stay tuned for more later…….

Tuesday, May 3, 2011



I am still working around my pool trying to get it landscaped. I am going to transplant yellow day lilies and these plants around it tomorrow I hope! I have the pine straw in place but in a couple small areas. Going to put some in those areas and then get to transplanting all this stuff. I have impatiens, periwinkles and begonias. I wanted it to look tropical and will probably plant elephant ears around it as well. My sister in law gave me some bulbs so I have a few of those as well.

We have a little cool front that has came in today and it’s also suppose to be cool tomorrow. So I am taking advantage of it while it’s cool. We had a little shower today but before the shower I was able to get my tomatoes transplanted and straw around the squash. So I got a good bit accomplished today.

I know I am transplanting my day lilies about the time they’re to bloom but hubby had his hip replaced and I’ve been pretty busy with him. He’s doing very well now so I can leave him a little because he doesn’t have to have me sooo much now.

I will post pix later on maybe the day lilies will bloom again when I get them transplanted.  I always cut them back when I transplant them so I am hoping they will bloom later.