I got some of the blinds cut out today and the backing for them as well. Hubby got the 1x2” boards cut and sanded for me to. Then I also cut some blind slats I want to use as my dowel rods. lol In the directions I have it calls for dowel rods to make the folds look nice and crisps but I cut the blind slats in half for them. Each roman blind will probably have like 4 in them.
It rained this evening some and hubby hit the pool afterwards and I decided to try it myself. I haven’t been going in the pool because it was messing up with my sinuses but since they were messed up today anyway I figured I would go for a swim. It sure was nice being back in it again!
I got the front part of the blinds cut in the length area but need to cut the width part now. I wanted to get all the windows cut so I could lay them out on the table and pick the prettiest area and center the pretty pink roses on the windows so it will have an even look.
I only got 2 of the backing fabrics cut but cut several of the pockets for where the blind slats will go that I cut to width. Hopefully I will feel up to at least putting one of the roman blinds together tomorrow. I got tired and just quit this evening so I wouldn’t wear myself out.
I know one thing, I sure am enjoying that really large table out there in the sewing room. I am SO HAPPY I didn’t get rid of it and I did come close to getting rid of it! But am soooooo glad I didn’t because it’s just wonnnnnderful having this large table to work on!
OK going to bed for now and just hoping tomorrow I can work on the blinds again.
Stay tuned for more and for some pix.