Thursday, March 26, 2009

Where Go The Boats?


Hee hee, just HAD to use that for my heading because I used to dearly LOVE that poem by Robert Louis Stevenson! I even memorized it! ;)

Anyway I was out and about today wasting time because my car had to have it's 30K check up and they said it would take four plus hours to do all the stuff they had to do to it. So we took both cars so we could shop or go to B.A.M. and not have to sit there at the dealership.

While DH was at B.A.M. I went to Ross. I just had to take a pic of all the boats they had in there! Some were just plain out huge!


I bought the little one in the pic above with the Bible scripture on it. I just could not pass that one up. Plus it was a smaller one and more to scale for me. But loved the scripture on it big time to!


Yesterday we had to do some stuff and I got to go to 3 of my thrift stores and naturally at my favorite one I find 3 blinds. One being a roman blind like I need for the bedroom. (it fits the window to!) I am going to have to change the front piece of cloth because it's the wrong color but I don't think that will be as hard as making one from scratch. I think she only charged me .50 for that one because my total wasn't but 3.55 and I had 2 more wooden blinds and she said those were 1.00 each. I even got a mega huge beach towel for the dogs bed. Right now we're trying to teach him to sleep beside our bed in a plastic tub. If he wasn't in the tub he would be rambling all over the house while we're asleep I'm afraid! LOL Plus there were also some of the flat curtain rods I had in my buggy.


Also while at Ross something caught my eye and I just HAD TO TAKE A PIC OF IT TO! I love this! That is just beautiful to me!  I’d like to do me one of these! I don’t know what those little tiny clear balls are that is in there. Maybe I can find those! But I think I even have a vase like that already and I do have some starfish as well, but don’t know if they’re like those or not. Anyway this was a pic that was on the box this was in.

I even also managed to find that air dry clay stuff at Hobby Lobby that Rhoda told me about to fix the handle on my tea cup fountain.

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